Listen - I am a huge fan of creating warm, cozy spaces. There's nothing like the feeling of unwrapping a perfectly patterned rug or the thrill of setting up the perfect warm white set of string lights. BUT the joy I experienced when I spent my first evening laying in this beauty - UNPARALLEED.
I had the privilege of placing my bottom on a Hamuhk last summer on a little trip to Granville Island. From that moment, I swore I would one day own one of these magnificent inventions. 1 year and 3 moves later - here she is. Jasmine, named in honour of the magic carpet featured on Aladdin. A vessel which lets you transport to distant lands while engaged in a good book, a different universe when listening to loml by Ms. Swift and a brand new world when paired with your favourite cozy game.
Your hamuhk sista <3