Hammock Tips & Tricks

Spreader Bar Dimensions
Have you been traveling and recently bought a hammock from us without the spreader bar?
You are wondering what the dimensions are and how to make this yourself.
Check out our VIDEO on one way to string the rope on your spreader bar.

Sometime you don't quite have the space to hang a hammock that is 13 feet long. If you need to shorten your lounger hammock by a foot or two we offer up this suggestion that has worked best for us.
1. Find two pieces of PVC pipe at least 2.5" (6 cm) in diameter and 2.5" (6cm) long. These can be found at your local hardware store.
2. Cut your PVC pipe down to the size you need, this will depend on how much you would like to shorter your hammock. The longer the PVP pipe the shorter your hammock will be.
3. Sand the edges of the newly cut PVC pipe. You will need to eliminate all sharp edges from the PVC to avoid damaging and cutting the hammock strings.
4. Loop the hammock arms through the PVC pipe creating a loose knot. If you use a larger diameter PVC pipe you will be able to loop it through multiple times, making your hammock shorter.
5. Repeat this to the other side to provide an even hanging experience.
6. Enjoy your newly shortened hammock and adjust as you may need.
Have you found another way to shorter your hammock? Send a photo to us HERE